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Trailblazing in Sports Information

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“This really feels like it is full circle. 我的职业生涯是从新濠天地app开始的,现在我回到新濠天地app,即将结束我的职业生涯. 在这期间,上帝在我的生命中提供了工作、成长、朋友和难以置信的机会.”

Judy Willson, the current Director of Graduate and Online Admissions, will be inducted into the College Sports Communicators Hall of Fame, Class of 2023, on June 12 at ceremonies in Orlando, Florida. 这个奖项证明了朱迪在她的体育信息职业生涯中所表现出的令人难以置信的工作和领导能力.

Judy first came to Geneva as a student, originally as a pre-med major, hoping to become a pediatrician. 朱迪曾是高中篮球队的经理,一直对体育很感兴趣, 但从事体育事业的想法并没有出现在她的脑海中, or something she even thought possible at the time.

大一的时候,朱迪成为了新濠天地app篮球统计组的一员. By spring of ’86 as a sophomore, she was regularly writing recaps, news releases, and working with the stats part of sports communication.

“This was all before computerized stat programs. I would sit at a typewriter and type all of the releases. By my senior year I had three jobs on campus. 我在公关部、体育部和学生中心的前台工作过.”

daddys-secretary.jpg朱迪深情地分享了她两岁时在爸爸的打字机前打字的记忆. “当时谁知道写作会成为我生活和事业中如此重要的一部分.”

Her early experience at Geneva taught her game day operations, compliance, 还有很多学生没有机会看到的幕后运动. 正是在这些领域工作,在她大学的最后一年,朱迪意识到这可以成为她的职业.

毕业后获得心理学学位,辅修公共关系和商业, 朱迪继续在西北密苏里州立大学攻读研究生,在那里她是体育研究生助理. 在这里,朱迪学会了与媒体合作,提出故事想法,并自己做故事.

从那时起,朱迪开始了30年的体育管理和体育信息职业生涯. Throughout her years there have been countless opportunities, positions, awards, and notable moments, but Judy reflected on a few that stick out in particular.

朱迪的第一份全职工作是在中美洲大学田径协会, and Eastern New Mexico University. Judy, early in her career, 连续三年帮助主办了NCAA II全国垒球锦标赛, learned the inner workings of the NCAA, and completed her Master’s Degree in Sports Administrations. 在这两所学校,朱迪都是第一位全职体育信息总监. Sports information was a rapidly growing career path in athletics, and Judy paved the way in more ways than one.

Sports information and athletics in general was, and to some degree still is, a male majority career field.

enmu-softball-press-box.jpg“When you think of athletics you do not think of female leadership. To walk into large meetings at the annual convention, 我和我的一个同事几乎总是房间里仅有的两个女性. 新濠天地app非常谨慎地确保当新濠天地app看到其他年轻女性时,新濠天地app会邀请她们并鼓励她们. We have made a lot of strides, there is still some way to go, 但在这个领域,玻璃天花板肯定会逐渐被打破.”

As Judy applied and sought next steps in her career, 由于在该领域缺乏代表,她有时会遇到障碍和挫折.

“我从来没有真正考虑过D1级别的工作,因为在此之前我几乎没有得到面试机会. And the interviews I was getting was because I was ‘the woman candidate.“当我知道自己是唯一的女性候选人时,我很沮丧,这就是我得到面试机会的原因。, but me having those interviews, experiences, 这些职位为其他女性在该领域获得面试和工作打开了大门, 所以我很高兴我经历了这些挫折,因为它带来了好的结果.”

在朱迪的职业生涯中,260所NCAA二级学校中有10所有女性体育信息主管. 朱迪正在与田径运动中长期存在的性别规范进行艰苦的斗争.

willson_2003ffcommcrew_at-sun-belt.jpgAfter many accomplishments and firsts in the world of DII sports, 朱迪出人意料地跳到DI,并度过了她职业生涯的大部分时间, 23 years, working for DI schools.

朱迪最值得注意的经历之一是2005年卡特里娜飓风袭击路易斯安那州时的生活. 在为新奥尔良的阳光地带会议工作了四年半之后,朱迪最近在路易斯安那大学门罗分校(ULM)找到了一个职位.

“在新奥尔良的体育界生活很有趣,因为很多大型体育赛事都会在这个城市举行. The team there was a family, we all helped each other out. 2005年,当卡特里娜飓风来袭时,和我一起工作的大学工作人员分散了. Thankfully, we did not lose anyone, but it was a hard time.”

朱迪在她的职业生涯中获得的一个奖项与她在这个充满挑战的时期对社区的工作和服务有关, 她被授予鲍勃·肯沃西社区服务奖,以表彰她在卡特里娜飓风期间对体育传播社区的帮助.


Through the awards, promotions, and leadership roles, 朱迪仍然认为她认识的学生对她的影响最大,这也是她整个职业生涯的动力所在.

willson_2008_91508vbmedia.jpg“There are always wins and losses in competition. 最大的胜利是学生毕业后生活中的成功或他们在学校做的事情,使他们的教育更好. To be able to be involved in that and help with that part is a big part of it; it is why I do it.”

Judy has made a lasting impact on many lives of students, coaches, colleagues, and the industry as a whole. 作为一名开拓者,困难重重,但也留下了很多值得骄傲的事情.

“我最自豪的事情是我试图对这个职业产生的影响. 我为许多年轻女性感到骄傲,她们在这个行业中开辟了自己的道路,成为了领导者,并在这个行业中发挥了自己的作用. To be a small part of that is an honor. So many juggle being a wife, a mom, and their careers, so they have to be creative on how to cover events, support their teams, and take care of their families. I am so proud that there are more women in the industry. It is important. I am also proud that men in the business have learned to adapt, and it has benefitted them in their role as husbands, dads, and co-workers.”

虽然朱迪在体育信息方面的全职职业生涯已经结束,但她的影响力却没有. Judy now works as the Director of Graduate and Online Admissions, still helping students pursue their education and accomplish their goals.

On top of her full-time position, 朱迪自愿在新濠天地app体育部担任体育信息办公室的助理, volunteering with the women’s golf team, substituting on the scorer’s table at volleyball and basketball, and other tasks.

“I have seen God’s hand in all of it. 一路开着关着的门都是神向我启示他的计划. Now I am able to be back at Geneva where it all started, use my skills in athletics, be close to my family here in Beaver Falls, and embark on a new adventure where I get to continue serving students.”

Mar 20, 2023

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